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The French talk to Chuck Norris in English.
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Chuck Norris can stand on his head. His dick-head.
July 4th is Independence day. And the day Chuck Norris was born. Coincidence? I think not.
Chuck Norris invented the bolt-action rifle, liquor, sexual intercourse, and football-- in that order.
Chuck Norris' log statements are always at the FATAL level.
Chuck Norris can write to an output stream.
According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, the Native American "Trail of Tears" has been redefined as anywhere that Chuck Norris walks.
Chuck Norris can't test for equality because he has no equal.
The truth will set you free. Unless Chuck Norris has you, in which case, forget it buddy!
Chuck Norris can delete the Recycling Bin.
Chuck Norris programs occupy 150% of CPU, even when they are not executing.
There is no April 1st in Chuck Norris' calendar, because no one can fool him.
Chuck Norris used to play baseball. When Babe Ruth was hailed as the better player, Chuck Norris killed him with a baseball bat to the throat. Lou Gehrig got off easy.
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