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Roundhouse your way through
unique Chuck Norris facts
How many roundhouse kicks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? Just one. From Chuck Norris.
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Chuck Norris can win at solitaire with only 18 cards.
Scientists have estimated that the energy given off during the Big Bang is roughly equal to 1CNRhK (Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick).
Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad did.
Chuck Norris' favourite cut of meat is the roundhouse.
Chuck Norris does not code in cycles, he codes in strikes.
Chuck Norris does not need to know about class factory pattern. He can instantiate interfaces.
When Steven Seagal kills a ninja, he only takes its hide. When Chuck Norris kills a ninja, he uses every part.
Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks don't really kill people. They wipe out their entire existence from the space-time continuum.
The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
Chuck Norris programs do not accept input.
Chuck Norris caught a bullet by blinking.
Not everyone that Chuck Norris is mad at gets killed. Some get away. They are called astronauts.
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