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Roundhouse your way through
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The Dead Sea was once alive before Chuck Norris bathed there.
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Chuck Norris is the only human being to display the Heisenberg uncertainty principle - you can never know both exactly where and how quickly he will roundhouse-kick you in the face.
Count from one to ten. That's how long it would take Chuck Norris to kill you...Forty seven times.
If tapped, a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick could power the country of Australia for 44 minutes.
Chuck Norris does not code in cycles, he codes in strikes.
MacGyver can build an airplane out of gum and paper clips. Chuck Norris can kill him and take it.
It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.
The wind is Chuck Norris breathing.
Chuck Norris can write multi-threaded applications with a single thread.
Chuck Norris doesn't throw up if he drinks too much. Chuck Norris throws down!
Chuck Norris doesn't pair program.
Scotty in Star Trek often says "Ye cannae change the laws of physics. This is untrue. Chuck Norris can change the laws of physics. With his fists.
Guantuanamo Bay, Cuba, is the military code-word for "Chuck Norris' basement"
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