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An anagram for Walker Texas Ranger is KARATE WRANGLER SEX. I don't know what that is, but it sounds AWESOME.
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When Chuck Norris talks, everybody listens. And dies.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
Chuck Norris invented his own type of karate. It's called Chuck-Will-Kill.
Chuck Norris' Internet connection is faster upstream than downstream because even data has more incentive to run from him than to him.
Guantuanamo Bay, Cuba, is the military code-word for "Chuck Norris' basement"
Chuck Norris can kick through all 6 degrees of separation, hitting anyone, anywhere, in the face, at any time.
The flu gets a Chuck Norris shot every year.
Chuck Norris has a deep and abiding respect for human life... unless it gets in his way.
Chuck Norris brushes his teeth with a mixture of iron shavings, industrial paint remover, and wood-grain alcohol.
Chuck Norris went out of an infinite loop.
Chuck norris can start a fire with ice cubes
Chuck Norris can stand on his head. His dick-head.
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