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Once Chuck Norris and Superman had a competition. The loser had to wear his underwear over his pants.
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Chuck Norris doesn't need garbage collection because he doesn't call .Dispose(), he calls .DropKick().
Chuck Norris has never been accused of murder because his roundhouse kicks are recognized as "acts of God".
Chuck Norris remembers the future.
Chuck Norris' log statements are always at the FATAL level.
The opening scene of the movie "Saving Private Ryan" is loosely based on games of dodgeball Chuck Norris played in second grade.
Chuck Norris can find the 404 page.
Chuck Norris can stand on his head. His dick-head.
Chuck fires a 6-round revolver 7 times.
If you were somehow able to land a punch on Chuck Norris your entire arm would shatter upon impact. This is only in theory, since, come on, who in their right mind would try this?
Aliens DO indeed exist. They just know better than to visit a planet that Chuck Norris is on.
Every time someone uses the word "intense", Chuck Norris always replies "you know what else is intense?" followed by a roundhouse kick to the face.
Chuck Norris programs occupy 150% of CPU, even when they are not executing.
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