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How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris? All of it.
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In a recent survey it was discovered the 94% of American women lost their virginity to Chuck Norris. The other 6% were incredibly fat or ugly.
Project managers never ask Chuck Norris for estimations... ever.
The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Even the worst-laid plans of Chuck Norris come off without a hitch.
Chuck Norris can install a 64 bit OS on 32 bit machines.
'Icy-Hot' is too weak for Chuck Norris. After a workout, Chuck Norris rubs his muscles down with liquid-hot MAGMA.
Who let the dogs out? Chuck Norris let the dogs out... and then roundhouse kicked them through an Oldsmobile.
Chuck Norris insists on strongly-typed programming languages.
Chuck Norris can kick through all 6 degrees of separation, hitting anyone, anywhere, in the face, at any time.
As an infant, Chuck Norris' parents gave him a toy hammer. He gave the world Stonehenge.
On his birthday, Chuck Norris randomly selects one lucky child to be thrown into the sun.
Chuck Norris doesn't need a keyboard he tells the computer to write something and it does.
The Drummer for Def Leppard's only got one arm. Chuck Norris needed a back scratcher.
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