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Roundhouse your way through
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Chuck Norris went out of an infinite loop.
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One day Chuck Norris walked down the street with a massive erection. There were no survivors.
Chuck Norris protocol design method has no status, requests or responses, only commands.
Chuck Norris doesn't win, he allows you to lose.
Did you know that Chuck Norris was in every Star Wars movie? He was "The Force".
If Chuck Norris writes code with bugs, the bugs fix themselves.
Chuck Norris can look at you in a tone of voice.
Chuck Norris has volunteered to remain on earth after the Rapture; he will spend his time fighting the Anti-Christ.
There are two types of people in the world... people that suck, and Chuck Norris.
Kryptonite has been found to contain trace elements of Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks to the face. This is why it is so deadly to Superman.
4 out of 5 doctors fail to recommend Chuck Norris as a solution to most problems. Also, 80% of doctors die unexplained, needlessly brutal deaths.
The grass is always greener on the other side, unless Chuck Norris has been there. In that case the grass is most likely soaked in blood and tears.
Chuck Norris once sold eBay to eBay on eBay.
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