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Chuck Norris just says "no" to drugs. If he said "yes", it would collapse Colombia's infrastructure.
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All browsers support the hex definitions #chuck and #norris for the colors black and blue.
If you were somehow able to land a punch on Chuck Norris your entire arm would shatter upon impact. This is only in theory, since, come on, who in their right mind would try this?
The phrase 'dead ringer' refers to someone who sits behind Chuck Norris in a movie theater and forgets to turn their cell phone off.
When Steven Seagal kills a ninja, he only takes its hide. When Chuck Norris kills a ninja, he uses every part.
Chuck Norris sheds his skin twice a year.
Chuck Norris' unit tests don't run. They die.
Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee. Except Chuck Norris.
There's an order to the universe: space, time, Chuck Norris.... Just kidding, Chuck Norris is first.
Thousands of years ago Chuck Norris came across a bear. It was so terrified that it fled north into the arctic. It was also so terrified that all of its decendents now have white hair.
According to the Bible, God created the universe in six days. Before that, Chuck Norris created God by snapping his fingers.
When Chuck Norris went to college, he told his father "You're the man of the house now".
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
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