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Chuck Norris was exposed to the Coronavirus. The virus is now in quarantine for two weeks.
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Chuck Norris breaks RSA 128-bit encrypted codes in milliseconds.
The truth will set you free. Unless Chuck Norris has you, in which case, forget it buddy!
When Chuck Norris break the build, you can't fix it, because there is not a single line of code left.
Chuck Norris keeps his friends close and his enemies closer. Close enough to drop them with one round house kick to the face.
When you're Chuck Norris, anything + anything is equal to 1. One roundhouse kick to the face.
Chuck Norris doesn't need sudo, he just types "Chuck Norris" before his commands.
Chuck Norris doesn't actually write books, the words assemble themselves out of fear.
The reason Superman flies is because he knows Chuck Norris is on the ground.
Chuck Norris doesn't age, because time cannot keep up with him.
Chuck Norris can access the DB from the UI.
Chuck Norris doesn't need garbage collection because he doesn't call .Dispose(), he calls .DropKick().
Chuck norris can start a fire with ice cubes
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