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A man once claimed Chuck Norris kicked his ass twice, but it was promptly dismissed as false - no one could survive it the first time.
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The opening scene of the movie "Saving Private Ryan" is loosely based on games of dodgeball Chuck Norris played in second grade.
Chuck Norris can over-write a locked variable.
If tapped, a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick could power the country of Australia for 44 minutes.
The Bible was originally titled "Chuck Norris and Friends"
Chuck Norris doesn't beat around the bush. He roundhouse kicks it to the face.
Project managers never ask Chuck Norris for estimations... ever.
Chuck Norris doesn't call the wrong number. You answer the wrong phone.
Chuck Norris does not have to answer the phone. His beard picks up the incoming electrical impulses and translates them into audible sound.
Chuck Norris can download emails with his pick-up.
Chuck Norris can kick through all 6 degrees of separation, hitting anyone, anywhere, in the face, at any time.
If Chuck Norris were a vegetable he'd be a Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.
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