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Chuck Norris uses tabasco sauce instead of visine.
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Do you know why Baskin Robbins only has 31 flavors? Because Chuck Norris doesn't like Fudge Ripple.
All roads lead to Chuck Norris. And by the transitive property, a roundhouse kick to the face.
Chuck Norris can spawn threads that complete before they are started.
Chuck Norris once round-house kicked a salesman. Over the phone.
Contrary to popular belief, the Titanic didn't hit an iceberg. The ship was off course and ran into Chuck Norris while he was doing the backstroke across the Atlantic.
Chuck Norris once shot down a German fighter plane with his finger. By yelling "Bang!"
Chuck Norris plays racquetball with a waffle iron and a bowling ball.
Chuck Norris doesn't cheat death. He wins fair and square.
Jesus can walk on water, but Chuck Norris can swim through land.
Chuck Norris can read a book in his sleep.
Before he forgot a gift for Chuck Norris, Santa Claus was real.
After taking a steroids test doctors informed Chuck Norris that he had tested positive. He laughed upon receiving this information, and said "of course my urine tested positive, what do you think they make steroids from?"
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