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Chuck Norris plays racquetball with a waffle iron and a bowling ball.
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Chuck Norris was the reason E.T. went home.
When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down.
Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks don't really kill people. They wipe out their entire existence from the space-time continuum.
For undercover police work, Chuck Norris pins his badge underneath his shirt, directly into his chest.
Chuck Norris doesn't needs try-catch, exceptions are too afraid to raise.
When Chuck Norris says "More cowbell", he MEANS it.
Chuck Norris protocol design method has no status, requests or responses, only commands.
The original draft of The Lord of the Rings featured Chuck Norris instead of Frodo Baggins. It was only 5 pages long, as Chuck roundhouse-kicked Sauron's ass halfway through the first chapter.
Most boots are made for walkin'. Chuck Norris' boots ain't that merciful.
Kryptonite has been found to contain trace elements of Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks to the face. This is why it is so deadly to Superman.
Chuck Norris wipes his ass with chain mail and sandpaper.
Chuck Norris was the orginal sculptor of Mount Rushmore. He completed the entire project using only a bottle opener and a drywall trowel.
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