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Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot broke the speed of light
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The last thing you hear before Chuck Norris gives you a roundhouse kick? No one knows because dead men tell no tales.
Chuck Norris finished the neverending story.
In honor of Chuck Norris, all McDonald's in Texas have an even larger size than the super-size. When ordering, just ask to be Chucksized.
Chuck Norris can make fire using two ice cubes.
It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.
The only sure things are Death and Taxes and when Chuck Norris goes to work for the IRS, they'll be the same thing.
Nothing can escape the gravity of a black hole, except for Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris eats black holes. They taste like chicken.
Mr. T pities the fool. Chuck Norris rips the fool's head off.
Chuck Norris has never won an Academy Award for acting... because he's not acting.
The show Survivor had the original premise of putting people on an island with Chuck Norris. There were no survivors, and nobody is brave enough to go to the island to retrieve the footage.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice.
Chuck Norris caught a bullet by blinking.
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