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Chuck Norris once ate a whole cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it.
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Wo hu cang long. The translation from Mandarin Chinese reads: "Crouching Chuck, Hidden Norris"
No one has ever spoken during review of Chuck Norris' code and lived to tell about it.
Chuck Norris is the only human being to display the Heisenberg uncertainty principle - you can never know both exactly where and how quickly he will roundhouse-kick you in the face.
Chuck Norris doesn't look both ways before he crosses the street... he just roundhouses any cars that get too close.
Chuck Norris burst the dot com bubble.
Chuck Norris eats lightning and shits out thunder.
Chuck Norris can win at solitaire with only 18 cards.
Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper, but Chuck Norris beats all 3 at the same time.
One day Chuck Norris walked down the street with a massive erection. There were no survivors.
Chuck Norris' sperm is so badass, he had sex with Nicole Kidman, and 7 months later she prematurely gave birth to a Ford Excursion.
Chuck Norris caught a bullet by blinking.
The quickest way to a man's heart is with Chuck Norris' fist.
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