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Chuck Norris can read and write emails from a typewriter.
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Chuck Norris invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink.
Think of a hot woman. Chuck Norris did her.
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris has to register every part of his body as a separate lethal weapon. His spleen is considered a concealed weapon in over 50 states.
Chuck Norris writes code that optimizes itself.
The phrase 'balls to the wall' was originally conceived to describe Chuck Norris entering any building smaller than an aircraft hangar.
Guns are warned not to play with Chuck Norris.
Every time Chuck Norris smiles, someone dies. Unless he smiles while he's roundhouse kicking someone in the face. Then two people die.
Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick is so powerful, it can be seen from outer space by the naked eye.
For Spring Break '05, Chuck Norris drove to Madagascar, riding a chariot pulled by two electric eels.
Love does not hurt. Chuck Norris does.
Chuck Norris sits at the stand-up.
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