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Chuck Norris is Simon Cowell's judge.
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Chuck Norris once ordered a steak in a restaurant. The steak did what it was told.
Chuck Norris programs occupy 150% of CPU, even when they are not executing.
Once Chuck Norris signed a cheque and the bank bounced.
Chuck Norris doesn't age, because time cannot keep up with him.
The only pattern Chuck Norris knows is God Object.
Chuck Norris solved the halting problem.
Chuck Norris' programs can pass the Turing Test by staring at the interrogator.
Chuck Norris eats lightning and shits out thunder.
Chuck Norris doesn't use a computer because a computer does everything slower than Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris originally wrote the first dictionary. The definition for each word is as follows - A swift roundhouse kick to the face.
182,000 Americans die from Chuck Norris-related accidents every year.
MySpace actually isn't your space, it's Chuck's (he just lets you use it).
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