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Chuck Norris irons his trousers with them still on.
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4 out of 5 doctors fail to recommend Chuck Norris as a solution to most problems. Also, 80% of doctors die unexplained, needlessly brutal deaths.
We live in an expanding universe. All of it is trying to get away from Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris has a vacation home on the sun.
Chuck Norris' keyboard doesn't have a Ctrl key because nothing controls Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris has 12 moons. One of those moons is the Earth.
Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Caesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his mother's womb.
Chuck Norris doesn't chew gum. Chuck Norris chews tin foil.
Industrial logging isn't the cause of deforestation. Chuck Norris needs toothpicks.
Chuck Norris can drink an entire gallon of milk in thirty-seven seconds.
The dinosaurs looked at Chuck Norris the wrong way once. You know what happened to them.
Chuck Norris doesn't bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.
Chuck Norris once rode a bull, and nine months later it had a calf.
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