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When you're Chuck Norris, anything + anything is equal to 1. One roundhouse kick to the face.
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If tapped, a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick could power the country of Australia for 44 minutes.
A diff between your code and Chuck Norris' is infinite.
Chuck Norris is the only person to ever win a staring contest against Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder.
Chuck Norris' programs never exit, they terminate.
Never look a gift Chuck Norris in the mouth, because he will bite your damn eyes off.
Movie trivia: The movie "Invasion U.S.A. is, in fact, a documentary.
Before he forgot a gift for Chuck Norris, Santa Claus was real.
Chuck Norris irons his trousers with them still on.
When Chuck Norris was born, he immediately had sex with the first nurse he saw. He was her first. She was his third. That afternoon.
Chuck Norris invented his own type of karate. It's called Chuck-Will-Kill.
Some people ask for a Kleenex when they sneeze, Chuck Norris asks for a body bag.
Chuck Norris doesn't need to use AJAX because pages are too afraid to postback anyways.
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