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Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.
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When taking the SAT, write "Chuck Norris" for every answer. You will score over 8000.
Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.
Chuck Norris once round-house kicked a salesman. Over the phone.
Chuck Norris is Simon Cowell's judge.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
Chuck Norris was what Willis was talkin' about.
The original title for Star Wars was "Skywalker: Texas Ranger". Starring Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris doesn't go on the internet, he has every internet site stored in his memory. He refreshes webpages by blinking.
Chuck Norris sleeps with a pillow under his gun.
In a recent survey it was discovered the 94% of American women lost their virginity to Chuck Norris. The other 6% were incredibly fat or ugly.
70% of a human's weight is water. 70% of Chuck Norris' weight is his dick.
The dinosaurs looked at Chuck Norris the wrong way once. You know what happened to them.
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