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Chuck Norris doesn't have good aim. His bullets just know better than to miss.
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Chuck Norris doesn't stub his toes. He accidentally destroys chairs, bedframes, and sidewalks.
If Chuck Norris were to travel to an alternate dimension in which there was another Chuck Norris and they both fought, they would both win.
Chuck Norris invented a language that incorporates karate and roundhouse kicks. So next time Chuck Norris is kicking your ass, don?t be offended or hurt, he may be just trying to tell you he likes your hat.
If Chuck Norris were a vegetable he'd be a Chuck Norris.
Some people can piss their name in to snow. Chuck Norris can piss his name in to concrete.
When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris does not need to know about class factory pattern. He can instantiate interfaces.
Never look a gift Chuck Norris in the mouth, because he will bite your damn eyes off.
Only Chuck Norris can prevent forest fires.
Chuck Norris can go past the Character limit.
Only Chuck Norris shuts down websites without due process, not SOPA or PIPA.
Chuck Norris uses canvas in IE.
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