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Chuck Norris doesn't believe in Germany.
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The easiest way to determine Chuck Norris' age is to cut him in half and count the rings.
The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Even the worst-laid plans of Chuck Norris come off without a hitch.
After taking a steroids test doctors informed Chuck Norris that he had tested positive. He laughed upon receiving this information, and said "of course my urine tested positive, what do you think they make steroids from?"
When Chuck Norris is in a crowded area, he doesn't walk around people. He walks through them.
Don't worry about tests, Chuck Norris' test cases cover your code too.
Chuck Norris uses tabasco sauce instead of visine.
A movie scene depicting Chuck Norris losing a fight with Bruce Lee was the product of history's most expensive visual effect. When adjusted for inflation, the effect cost more than the Gross National Product of Paraguay.
Cats are allergic to Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris got his drivers license at the age of 16. Seconds.
Someone once tried to tell Chuck Norris that roundhouse kicks aren't the best way to kick someone. This has been recorded by historians as the worst mistake anyone has ever made.
Chuck Norris once kicked a horse in the chin. Its descendants are known today as Giraffes.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is based on a true story: Chuck Norris once swallowed a turtle whole, and when he crapped it out, the turtle was six feet tall and had learned karate.
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