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Chuck Norris doesn't need to use AJAX because pages are too afraid to postback anyways.
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As an infant, Chuck Norris' parents gave him a toy hammer. He gave the world Stonehenge.
Ghosts are actually caused by Chuck Norris killing people faster than Death can process them.
Chuck Norris uses tabasco sauce instead of visine.
Chuck Norris can delete the Recycling Bin.
When Chuck Norris lifts weights, the dumbells get tired.
There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.
Chuck Norris can look at you in a tone of voice.
Most boots are made for walkin'. Chuck Norris' boots ain't that merciful.
The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
Jesus can walk on water, but Chuck Norris can swim through land.
Chuck Norris doesn't use reflection, reflection asks politely for his help.
Chuck Norris doesn't listen to heavy metal, he eats it for breakfast.
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