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Chuck Norris does not code in cycles, he codes in strikes.
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How many roundhouse kicks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? Just one. From Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris invented the bolt-action rifle, liquor, sexual intercourse, and football-- in that order.
A handicapped parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there.
Chuck Norris doesn't say "who's your daddy", because he knows the answer.
It is said that looking into Chuck Norris' eyes will reveal your future. Unfortunately, everybody's future is always the same: death by a roundhouse-kick to the face.
When Chuck Norris claps his hands thunder stays quiet.
There are two types of people in the world... people that suck, and Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris doesn't bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.
Chuck Norris' programs never exit, they terminate.
One time, at band camp, Chuck Norris ate a percussionist.
The Chuck Norris Eclipse plugin made alien contact.
Chuck Norris can write infinite recursion functions and have them return.
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