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Chuck Norris could use anything in java.util.* to kill you, including the javadocs.
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According to the Bible, God created the universe in six days. Before that, Chuck Norris created God by snapping his fingers.
If Chuck Norris were a vegetable he'd be a Chuck Norris.
Coroners refer to dead people as "ABC's". Already Been Chucked.
When Chuck Norris works out he doesn't get stronger, the machine does.
Chuck Norris' cat has 10 lives.
Chuck Norris crossed the road. No one has ever dared question his motives.
When you're Chuck Norris, anything + anything is equal to 1. One roundhouse kick to the face.
It is believed dinosaurs are extinct due to a giant meteor. That's true if you want to call Chuck Norris a giant meteor.
When in a bar, you can order a drink called a "Chuck Norris". It is also known as a "Bloody Mary", if your name happens to be Mary.
When Chuck Norris makes a burrito, its main ingredient is real toes.
Chuck Norris types with one finger. He points it at the keyboard and the keyboard does the rest.
Chuck Norris appeared in the ‘Street Fighter II’ video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this “glitch,” Chuck Norris replied, “That’s no glitch.”
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