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Chuck Norris built the hospital he was born in.
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Chuck Norris doesn't drive, he tells the car where to go.
Everyone has a guardian angel except Chuck... he guards himself.
Chuck Norris is not hung like a horse. Horses are hung like Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like the rest of us. The only difference is, then he kills people.
Chuck Norris once bought Chicago pizza in Seattle.
Chuck Norris can install iTunes without installing Quicktime.
Once Chuck Norris signed a cheque and the bank bounced.
Nothing can escape the gravity of a black hole, except for Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris eats black holes. They taste like chicken.
Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
Chuck Norris starts everyday with a protein shake made from Carnation Instant Breakfast, one dozen eggs, pure Colombian cocaine, and rattlesnake venom. He injects it directly into his neck with a syringe.
Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.
Crime does not pay - unless you are an undertaker following Walker, Texas Ranger, on a routine patrol.
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