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The opening scene of the movie "Saving Private Ryan" is loosely based on games of dodgeball Chuck Norris played in second grade.
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Only Chuck Norris shuts down websites without due process, not SOPA or PIPA.
Chuck Norris has size ten feet but wears size three shoes.
Chuck Norris can hear sign language.
182,000 Americans die from Chuck Norris-related accidents every year.
Chuck Norris doesn't need a keyboard he tells the computer to write something and it does.
Chuck Norris can find the end of a circle.
Chuck Norris programs do not accept input.
In the movie "The Matrix", Chuck Norris is the Matrix. If you pay close attention in the green "falling code" scenes, you can make out the faint texture of his beard.
Chuck Norris has a mug of nails instead of coffee in the morning.
Chuck Norris can hear the speed of light.
When Chuck Norris calls 1-900 numbers, he doesn't get charged. He holds up the phone and money falls out.
Wilt Chamberlain claims to have slept with more than 20,000 women in his lifetime. Chuck Norris calls this a slow Tuesday.
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