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Chuck Norris' brain waves are suspected to be harmful to cell phones.
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CNN was originally created as the "Chuck Norris Network" to update Americans with on-the-spot ass kicking in real-time.
Chuck Norris' log statements are always at the FATAL level.
A man once asked Chuck Norris if his real name is "Charles". Chuck Norris did not respond, he simply stared at him until he exploded.
Chuck Norris has two speeds: Walk and Kill.
Once Chuck Norris and Superman had a competition. The loser had to wear his underwear over his pants.
Whiteboards are white because Chuck Norris scared them that way.
If Chuck Norris wants your opinion, he'll beat it into you.
According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday.
Chuck Norris doesn't turn on his faucet, he stares at it until it cries.
Chuck Norris can blow bubbles with beef jerky.
Chuck Norris used to play baseball. When Babe Ruth was hailed as the better player, Chuck Norris killed him with a baseball bat to the throat. Lou Gehrig got off easy.
Chuck Norris is not Politically Correct. He is just Correct. Always.
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