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Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every dead man, there is Chuck Norris.
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Chuck Norris invented the internet, just so he had a place to store his porn.
Chuck Norris' first program was kill -9.
Chuck Norris can make onions cry.
If Chuck Norris wants your opinion, he'll beat it into you.
Chuck Norris once bought Chicago pizza in Seattle.
Chuck Norris finished the neverending story.
Chuck Norris does not need to know about class factory pattern. He can instantiate interfaces.
Chuck Norris and Mr. T walked into a bar. The bar was instantly destroyed, as that level of awesome cannot be contained in one building.
Think of a hot woman. Chuck Norris did her.
Kryptonite has been found to contain trace elements of Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks to the face. This is why it is so deadly to Superman.
Did you know that Chuck Norris was in every Star Wars movie? He was "The Force".
The class object inherits from Chuck Norris
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