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When Bruce Banner gets mad, he turns into the Hulk. When the Hulk gets mad, he turns into Chuck Norris.
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Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every dead man, there is Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris once ordered a steak in a restaurant. The steak did what it was told.
A study showed the leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart disease, 2. Chuck Norris, 3. Cancer
Chuck Norris cannot love, he can only not kill.
Chuck Norris was banned from competitive bullriding after a 1992 exhibition in San Antonio, when he rode the bull 1,346 miles from Texas to Milwaukee Wisconsin to pick up his dry cleaning.
Chuck Norris can drink an entire gallon of milk in thirty-seven seconds.
Chuck Norris uses a night light. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris was the reason E.T. went home.
Jack Bauer tried to use his detailed knowledge of torture techniques, but to no avail: Chuck Norris thrives on pain. Chuck Norris then ripped off Jack Bauer's arm and beat him to death with it. Game, set, match.
To Chuck Norris, everything contains a vulnerability.
Chuck Norris doesn't listen to heavy metal, he eats it for breakfast.
If Chuck Norris writes code with bugs, the bugs fix themselves.
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