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If Chuck Norris were a calendar, every month would be named Chucktober, and every day he'd kick your ass.
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Chuck Norris drinks napalm to quell his heartburn.
Chuck Norris can compile syntax errors.
Chuck Norris can access private methods.
Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks don't really kill people. They wipe out their entire existence from the space-time continuum.
The moon's shadow doesn't dare follow Chuck Norris.
The wind is Chuck Norris breathing.
Don't worry about tests, Chuck Norris' test cases cover your code too.
TNT was originally developed by Chuck Norris to cure indigestion.
Chuck norris can start a fire with ice cubes
There's an order to the universe: space, time, Chuck Norris.... Just kidding, Chuck Norris is first.
Chuck Norris can suck a garden hose through a golf ball.
After returning from World War 2 unscrathed, Bob Dole was congratulated by Chuck Norris with a handshake. The rest is history.
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