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Chuck Norris sheds his skin twice a year.
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Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.
When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down.
Chuck Norris once won the Kentucky Derby, on foot.
Love does not hurt. Chuck Norris does.
In the movie "The Matrix", Chuck Norris is the Matrix. If you pay close attention in the green "falling code" scenes, you can make out the faint texture of his beard.
Chuck Norris' brain waves are suspected to be harmful to cell phones.
Jack Bauer tried to use his detailed knowledge of torture techniques, but to no avail: Chuck Norris thrives on pain. Chuck Norris then ripped off Jack Bauer's arm and beat him to death with it. Game, set, match.
As President Roosevelt said: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself. And Chuck Norris."
The chemical formula for the highly toxic cyanide ion is CN-. These are also Chuck Norris' initials. This is not a coincidence.
Chuck Norris can spawn threads that complete before they are started.
When Chuck Norris calls 1-900 numbers, he doesn't get charged. He holds up the phone and money falls out.
When Chuck Norris was born, he immediately had sex with the first nurse he saw. He was her first. She was his third. That afternoon.
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