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Chuck Norris doesn't use Oracle, he is the Oracle.
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If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.
Chuck Norris died before 20 years, Death doesn't have the courage to tell him yet.
A diff between your code and Chuck Norris' is infinite.
Chuck Norris was exposed to the Coronavirus. The virus is now in quarantine for two weeks.
Chuck Norris doesn't step on toes. Chuck Norris steps on necks.
Chuck Norris Let The Dogs Out.
Chuck Norris died years ago, but the grim reaper can’t pick up the courage to tell him.
Chuck Norris sits at the stand-up.
Did you know that Chuck Norris was in every Star Wars movie? He was "The Force".
Chuck Norris can win a staring contest while blinking.
If you rearrange the letters in "Chuck Norris", they also spell "Crush Rock In". The words "with his fists" are understood.
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