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Chuck Norris can make fire using two ice cubes.
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Fear is not the only emotion Chuck Norris can smell. He can also detect hope, as in "I hope I don't get a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris"
When Chuck Norris turned 18, his parents moved out.
When Chuck Norris is web surfing websites get the message "Warning: Internet Explorer has deemed this user to be malicious or dangerous. Proceed?"
Chuck Norris has a vacation home on the sun.
Chuck Norris can read a book in his sleep.
Chuck Norris can unit test entire applications with a single assert.
Chuck Norris' Internet connection is faster upstream than downstream because even data has more incentive to run from him than to him.
Chuck Norris fought the law, and Chuck Norris won.
When Chuck Norris turned 18, his parents moved out.
The Manhattan Project was not intended to create nuclear weapons, it was meant to recreate the destructive power in a Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick. They didn't even come close.
Once you go Norris, you are physically unable to go back.
When you play Monopoly with Chuck Norris, you do not pass go, and you do not collect two hundred dollars. You will be lucky if you make it out alive.
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