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Godzilla is a Japanese rendition of Chuck Norris' first visit to Tokyo.
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Rules of fighting: 1) Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. 2) Don't bring a gun to a Chuck Norris fight.
When J. Robert Oppenheimer said "I am become death, the destroyer Of worlds", He was not referring to the atomic bomb. He was referring to the Chuck Norris halloween costume he was wearing.
When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris doesn't age, because time cannot keep up with him.
Chuck Norris has a mug of nails instead of coffee in the morning.
Chuck Norris doesn't daydream. He's too busy giving other people nightmares.
Chuck Norris doesnt wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
Chuck Norris can skeletize a cow in two minutes.
Someone once tried to tell Chuck Norris that roundhouse kicks aren't the best way to kick someone. This has been recorded by historians as the worst mistake anyone has ever made.
Chuck Norris threw a grenade and killed 50 people, then it exploded.
Chuck Norris can install iTunes without installing Quicktime.
The truth will set you free. Unless Chuck Norris has you, in which case, forget it buddy!
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